Eisjöchl/Passo Gelato - Stettiner Hütte/Rifugio Petrarca

MTB round trip from Merano over the Eisjöchl/Passo Gelato (2,895m) and to the Stettiner Hütte/Rifugio Petrarca (2,875m)




Meran - Naturns - Pfossental - Eisjöchl - Stettiner Hütte - Lazins Alm - Pfelders - St.Leonhard in Passeier - Meran:

  • Startting point and target: Meran
  • Highest point: 2,895m (Eisjöchl)
  • approx. 94 kilometeres
  • approx. 2,600 m elevation
  • approx. 8 h travel time

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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