Tour of the Gantkofel-Macaion

Mountain Bike Tour from Eppan to the Mount Gantkofel (1,860m)


The MTB tour to the Gantkofel is a relatively strenuous tour, which rewards the biker with a magnificent panorama.
The ascent to the Mendel Pass is either via the - especially in summer very busy and heavily trafficked - asphalt road, or via the forest roads Gand-Matschatsch and Boos to leave out a large part of the road. Alternatively, it is also recommended to use the Mendelbahn (for a fee); especially for our youngest bikers.
From the Mendel Pass, this MTB tour - instead of the water trail from the Mendel Pass to the Prinzenhütte - can also be ridden as a variant along the Mendel ridge: with crossing of Penegal, Monte Largaden and Furgglauer Scharte.


Eppan – Mendelpass - Wassersteig - Prinzenhütte - Große Scharte - Gantkofel - Bergner Kreuz - Kematscharte - Prinzenhütte - Mendelpass - Eppan:

  • Starting point and target: St. Michael/Eppan
  • Highest point: 1,860m (Gantkofel)
  • approx. 60 kilometers
  • approx. 2,000 m elevation
  • approx. 4:45 h travel time

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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