Veneto Cup

MTB Cross Country race series in Veneto for licensed riders aged 13 and over - open to all categories

The MTB Veneto Cup is an MTB race series for licensed riders aged 13 and over, and is open to all categories.
The series includes various races, all in the discipline of cross country.


MTB Veneto Cup - race calendar 2024

10/03/24 Vidor (TV) - postponed due to weather
14/04/24 Borso del Grappa (TV)
21/04/24 Montecchio Maggiore (VI)
01/05/24 Farra di Soligo (TV)
12/05/24 Chiuppano (VI)
09/06/24 Vigo di Cadore (BL)
16/06/24 Conegliano (TV)
07/07/24 Valdobbiadene (TV)
04/08/24 Sospirolo (BL)
15/09/24 San Stino di Livenza (VE)

© Photo: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

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