MTB South Tyrol Cup "Sanvit Trophy"


1st race of the MTB South Tyrol Cup "Sanvit Trophy" 1997


And they did turn up!
Despite the icy temperatures, 150 athletes took up the challenge last Sunday to prove their fitness on the damn demanding course in the Altenburg forest. They competed in 10 different categories for a place on the podium and points for the ‘MTB Südtirolcup’, which was held for the fourth time this year.
The following can be said about the race itself. Hansjörg Lunger was once again the one who gave the competition a run for their money. He didn't even get involved in any duels and was four minutes behind the competition. The same applies to Manfred Steiner. Last year he started for the Überetsch Bike Club, but this year he is riding for Markus Rainer's team. Riding ‘unrivalled’ in his category, he fought a thrilling duel with Inama Rolando from Bolzano (Master 2) and didn't give him the slightest chance in the final sprint. The boy has a future! Our ex-president Werner Weiss had a really bad time this weekend. After a botched repair of a flat tyre, he was left panting behind the field and had to make do with eighth place. Heinrich Prossliner was the only rider from our team to take up the challenge and was rewarded with a good 6th place.
The well-organised event was unfortunately surprised by a rain shower during the prize-giving ceremony, so that the usual cosy get-together after the race literally fell through.

The day before, children from Kaltern and the surrounding area took part in a race that counted towards the South Tyrol Cup for six to fourteen-year-olds. The championship, which is held in 5 different categories and organised by clubs belonging to the VSS, continues on 3 May at 3 pm in Neumarkt and culminates on 5 July in Niederdorf (final day). The first 3 of each preliminary race are admitted to this final event. As far as the race is concerned, it can be said that there was fighting, laughing and, as is not unusual with children, also crying. It was simply great fun. The children from Kaltern were able to put on a good show against the team from Sarntal, so that in the end the podium places were fairly evenly distributed.

Finally, it should be mentioned that both events would not have been possible without the support of numerous companies and private individuals. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors, especially Sanvit and the Florian family from the ‘Gasthof Kalterer Höhe’. A heartfelt thank you also to the White Cross.

The bike club team

(Gemeindeblatt of 2/5/1997)

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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