3th Pichlberg Duathlon


On 13 August, 6 dynamic bikers took part in the 3rd Pichlberg Duathlon in Sarntal.

The start was by road bike in Sarnthein, the route was short but steep. On the last 3 km up to Reinswald, the participants had to work hard with an average gradient of 14%. At the valley station, the participants changed from their racing bikes into running shoes. For those who completed the duathlon alone, it was a flying transition. For the teams, the respective running partner was already waiting in the starting blocks, just waiting to be high-fived by his racing cyclist. The runners now had to run from the valley station up the Pichlberg to the mountain station.

In the Team over 60 category, Armin Tschigg and Norbert Morandell took 3rd place, and the winners in the Team Mixed category were Richard Palma and Klara Ursch from Hafling as the runner.
Our individual runners Werner Morandell and Klaus Lun came 5th and 9th respectively, Christian Sanco came 6th with his runner Valentin Reiterer from Hafling in the Team under 60 category.

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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