6th Rampibike Cavareno


Rampibike Cavareno 2005


A large number of Dynamic Bike Team members took part in this year's Rampibike in Cavareno on 1 May. 23 members went to the start to master the 43km long distance with the mountain bike.

The Rampibike is the first race of this year's Dynamic Bike Cup, so the first points for the overall ranking could already be collected.

This year the DBT was even able to achieve a podium finish, Richard Palma came second in the Master 5 category with an absolute top time of 1:58:27h, thus also winning the internal classification. Shortly after him, with 1:58:45h, Andreas Maier crossed the finish line, and Armin Tschigg came third in the team classification with 2:01:29h.

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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