Italia Bike Cup #3 in Pergine (TN)


Strong performance of Gregor Pinggera in the rain race of Pergine - first top class points


Last Sunday, the 3rd race of the Italia Bike Cup took place in Pergine (TN), an international MTB race series in the discipline of cross country that was founded last year.
In the Parco Tre Castagni at the foot of Castel Pergine, the elite of the national MTB scene was at the start - including our U23 racer Gregor Pinggera.
His start from the back row was not optimal, but he was able to make up some places in the first of the 6 laps. And despite the rain in lap 2, which made some parts of the course very slippery, Gregor kept his nerves and his overview, and finally finished the race in 24th place, which brought him his first national elite points.


ITALIA BIKE CUP 2023/PERGINE XCO – results by categories

1. FONTANA Filippo - ITA - CS Carabinieri - 1h26.10
2. AGOSTINELLI Alessio - ITA - KTM Protec Elettrosystem - 1h27.18
3. HUEZ Emanuele - ITA - CS Carabinieri - 1h27.53
23. PINGGERA Gregor - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan – 1 lap back

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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