Trentino Bike Cup Giovanile 2023 - Cavareno


Trentino Bike Cup Giovanile - Cross Country race in Cavareno


Even though the MTB youth races in South Tyrol have already come to an end (we reported), in neighbouring Trentino the Youth Cup there is still underway.

Last Saturday, a cross country race for children and youth categories took place in Cavareno behind the Mendel Pass, to which the Dynamic Bike Team entered with 6 starters.
Moritz Meraner started with his first regional appearance, which he mastered brilliantly with 4th place. Afterwards his team mates followed him on the race track, who all started at the same time in the race of the 13 and 14 year olds. Here, Julia Kostner and Jakob Weger each achieved 2nd place; Niko Bernard rode to 11th place, and Samuel and Tim followed in 15th and 16th place - a really great team result for the young up-and-coming athletes!



G6M (12 years)
1. VIELMO Federico - Cycle Team Cassola 2000 - 15.59 min
2. VANZETTA Tobia - US Litegosa - 16.00 min (+ 0.01)
3. GRAZIAN Giulio - Torre Bike - 16.22 min (+ 0.23)
4. MERANER Moritz - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 16.34 min (+ 0.35)

Esordiente 1 (13 years)
1. SODDU Marco - Bike Movement Trentinoerbe - 32.36 min
2. WEGER Jakob - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 33.33 min (+ 0.57)
3. VALLICELLA Emil - Bruno Gaiga C.A.M.P.I. - 33.48 (+ 1.12)
11. BERNARD Niko - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 38.05 min (+ 5.29)
15. KOFLER Samuel - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 1 Runde zurück
16. DICHRISTIN Tim - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 1 Runde zurück

Donna Esordiente 2 (14 years)
1. MESSMER Sophie - KSV For Fun Cycling Team - 26.52 min
2. KOSTNER Julia - Dynamic Bike Team Eppan - 28.09 min (+ 1.17)
3. LORANDINI Giulia - Bike Movement Trentinoerbe - 28.35 min (+ 1.43)

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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