Beat Hauser

Extreme cyclist

On Tour with Beat - the extreme cyclist about himself


For many years I have spent several hours a day in the saddle pursuing my great passion, cycling. In the process, I have acquired excellent local and route knowledge in South Tyrol and its neighbouring countries. I also have excellent local knowledge of the Canary Islands and Mallorca. My qualifications range from easy climbs to extreme tours over several Alpine passes. I see the spa town of Merano and its immediate surroundings as the ideal starting point for all kinds of tours.

Located on the sunny side of the Alps, temperatures of around 15 degrees are already common here in March. The climate remains very mild until late autumn. For spring training, it is possible to roll through the blossoming orchards, but smaller climbs or passes can also be included in the programme. From early summer onwards, the classics can be tackled: the Timmelsjoch, the famous Stilfserjoch (Passo Stelvio), and the unique Dolomite passes, a World Heritage Site since this year.

Due to my good local knowledge, I can also offer preparations for the following marathons in the area on request:

  • Ötztalradmarathon/Ötztal Cycling Marathon
  • Dolomitenradmarathon/Dolomite Cycling Marathon
  • Dreiländergiro
  • Engadiner Radmarathon/Engadine Cycling Marathon
  • Transalp
  • die klassischen Giro-Etappen/the classic Giro stages



Name  Beat Hauser
Geburtsdatum  *21.10.1968   22.12.2016
Familienstand  Freundin Annalies und Tochter Janine
Wohnort  St. Leonhard in Passeier
Beruf  Konditor
Ruhepuls  42
Bike  Scott by Sanvit


Beat Hauser – his annual review 2007-2011


Review 2012

  • 101 x Mendel-Gampen Round (Mendelpass & Gampenpass)
  • 643.000 m elevation
  • 42.315 kilometres
  • 1.900 hours

Review 2011

  • approx. 800,000 m elevation
  • 60,025 kilometres
  • 510 mountain passes

Review 2010

  • 1.012.335 m elevation
  • ca. 35.000 kilometres


Review 2009

  • 730.000 m elevation (2.000 per calendar day)
  • 40.000 kilometres
  • 390 mountain passes, among them:
    • 81x Jaufenpass
    • 62x Mendelpass
    • 60x Gampenpass
    • 27x Timmelsjoch

Highlights 2009

  • 12.07.2009 St. Leonhard in Passeier → Gampenpass (1.518m) → Mendelpass (1.363m) → Bozen → Karerpass (1.750m) → Canazei → Sellajoch (2.230m) →Gröden → Panidersattel (1.410m) → Kastelruth → Bozen → Jenesien → Tschöggelberg (1.420m) → Meran → St. Leonhard --- 284 km / 6.700 hm

  • 19.07.2009 St. Leonhard in Passeier → Gampenpass (1.518m) → Mendelpass (1.363m) → Auer → S. Luganopass (1.100 m) → Lavazejoch (1.808m) → Bozen → Ritten → Wangen (1.250 m) → Bozen → Jenesien → Tschöggelberg (1.420m) → Meran → St. Leonhard --- 270 km / 6.900 hm

  • 26.07.2009 St. Leonhard in Passeier → Jaufenpass (2.090 m) → Sterzing (900 m) → Jaufenpass (2.090 m) → St. Leonhard → Timmelsjoch (2.510 m) → Sölden → Rettenbachferner (2.700 m) → Sölden → Timmelsjoch (2.510 m) → St. Leonhard --- 192 km / 7.000 hm


Review 2008:

  • 345 training days
  • 575.000 m elevation
  • 50.000 kilometres
  • 286 mountain passes

Review 2007:

  • 305 training days
  • 705.000 m elevation
  • 42.700 kilometres
  • 400 mountain passes, among them:
    • 50x Jaufenpass
    • 80x Mendelpass
    • 55x Gampenpass
    • 20x Timmelsjoch

Highlights 2007

  • St. Leonhard in Passeier → Meran → Gampenpass (1.518m) → Meldelpass (1.363m) → Bozen → Penserjoch (2.220m) → Sterzing → Brennerpass (1.360m) → Innsbruck → Kühtai (2.040 m) → Timmelsjoch (2.505 m) → St. Leonhard --- 350 km / 7.700 m elevation / 14,5 h

  • St. Leonhard in Passeier → Timmelsjoch (2.505 m) → Sölden → Rettenbachferner (2.850 m) → Sölden → Timmelsjoch (2.505m) - St. Leonhard x2!! --- 260 km / 9.000 m elevation / 12,5 h

  • St. Leonhard in Passeier → Bozen → Penserjoch (2.220m) → Sterzing → Brennerpass (1.360m) → Innsbruck → Kühtai (2.040m) → Timmelsjoch (2.505m) → St. Leonhard --- 300 km / 6.200 m elevation / 12 h – media: 25 km/h

  • Gran Canaria: in 13 days – 100 hours – 2.300 km – 47.000 m elevation



© Photo & text: / Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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